
How to remove shifter assembley from yamaha electric golf cart?

To remove the SHIFTER assembly from a Yamaha Electric Golf Cart, follow these steps:

1. Locate the SHIFTER assembly on the golf cart. It is usually located near the driver's seat, on the center console or dashboard.

2. Start by disconnecting the battery and ensuring the cart is in a safe, stationary position.

3. Locate the screws or bolts that are holding the SHIFTER assembly in place. Use a screwdriver or appropriate tool to remove them.

4. Gently lift the SHIFTER assembly and disconnect any electrical connectors or cables that may be attached to it. Take note of where each connector or cable should be reattached later.

5. Once all connections are disconnected, carefully lift the SHIFTER assembly out of the golf cart.

6. If necessary, refer to the Yamaha Electric Golf Cart manual or consult with a professional for further guidance on removing the SHIFTER assembly.

It is important to handle all parts and components with care during the removal process to avoid causing damage. If you are unsure about removing the SHIFTER assembly yourself, it is recommended to seek assistance from a qualified technician or contact the golf cart manufacturer for guidance.
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Electric Golf Cart

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