Last Updated October 7, 2023
Pakistan, Pakistan
Electric Bike Rebate and Tax Credit

Rebate Summary
Under the Energy Conservation Plan to promote clean and green energy, the government has approved a scheme for providing 15,000 electric bikes and rickshaws at zero markup in three years. A loan of up to Rs0.5 million will be provided in the first category at zero interest for repayments in three years in 36 instalments. For the current financial year (2022-23), a total of Rs7.5 billion has been allocated to finance 15,000 electric bikes and rickshaws for individuals under 45 years of age.
Incentive Type
Tax Liability Credit
Other electric bike rebates and tax credits avaiable in Pakistan
The Pakistani government has launched the National Electric Vehicles Policy (NEVP) in 2019 to increase the use of EVs in the country by providing incentives. The policy targets 30 per cent of all passenger vehicles and heavy-duty trucks, as well as 50 per cent of two and three-wheelers and buses, to be electrified by 2030, with the goal rising to 90 per cent by 2040. It also offers tax incentives and lower customs duties for EV manufacturers, assemblers and suppliers, as well as financing options for consumers. The government is also exploring the possibility of converting motorcycles that run on combustion engines into electric vehicles. Additionally, the ministry of industries plans to launch an electric bike scheme to produce 100,000 e-motorbikes in the next 18 months with a proposed subsidy of Rs17.5 billion over three years with plans to install EV chargers at select stations, workplaces, and universities.
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