Can-Do Community Challenge
Fort Collins, Colorado Electric Bike Rebate and Tax Credit

Rebate Summary
The Can Do Colorado eBike Pilot Program provides resources to local communities and businesses to help safely reopen the economy after COVID-19 restrictions and work toward a healthier, more sustainable future. As part of this initiative, the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) committed $500,000 toward an eBike pilot that increases access to eBikes for low-income essential workers. CEO awarded five organizations and the City and County of Denver awarded an additional two organizations. Awarded organizations include 4CORE in Durango, City of Fort Collins, Community Cycles in Boulder, Pueblo County, Smart Commute Metro-North, Northeast Transportation Connections, and West Corridor TMA. These organizations are providing rebates and subsidies for eBikes to low-income essential workers.
Other electric bike rebates and tax credits avaiable in Colorado
October 7, 2023