Last Updated October 7, 2023
Electric Bike Rebate and Tax Credit

Rebate Summary
In this offer, Vinnova is providing up to SEK 3 million per project to fund innovation projects, test and demo projects with a financing period of a maximum of 24 months. Vinnova's funding can make up a maximum of 50% of the total project budget. A total of approximately SEK 15 million is available for the project parties who are granted support. The application form contains questions about the project, the participants taking part in the project and the budget.
Other electric bike rebates and tax credits avaiable in Sweden
Employees using the employer's bicycle for private purposes can benefit from a tax exemption under certain conditions in Sweden, with a taxable benefit only applicable to the amount exceeding SEK 3,000 during the tax year. The employer can provide the bicycle through limited period rentals or leases, and the valuation of the benefit may consider estimated depreciation. The benefit being offered should extend to all permanent employees in the workplace, in the case of an employer providing a bicycle. The bicycle benefit rules apply to both ordinary and electric bicycles but not to electric scooters. The exemption does not cover bicycle accessories but includes the fixed parts of the bicycle such as lamps, locks, and even studded tires.
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