Jurbise, Belgium
Electric Bike Rebate and Tax Credit

Rebate Summary
The Municipality of Jurbise grants various grants to citizens in the field of green energy and safety. Classic and electric bicycles, for example, are eligible for a grant of 10% of the bicycle's purchase value with a maximum of €25 for a regular bicycle and 10% of the electric motor-assisted bicycle's purchase value with a maximum of €100. A grant of €250 is awarded to any citizen who installs thermal solar panels, photovoltaic solar panels, heat pumps, Canadian wells, wood and pellet central heating, or biomass boilers. A grant of €250 is awarded for the installation of alarm systems (private individuals only). The Jurbise Municipal Council has decided to grant a €50 grant for assistance in obtaining a Class B driving license through prior recourse to an accredited driving school for practical training.