LC 1994
Oregon Electric Bike Rebate and Tax Credit

Rebate Summary
- Department of Environmental Quality established a program for providing rebates to qualifying individuals who purchase electric assisted bicycles or cargo electric bicycles and qualifying equipment. - Rebate provided to qualifying individuals is the lesser of the total purchase price of the electric assisted bicycle and any qualifying equipment minus $200 or $1,200 for electric assisted bicycles and the lesser of the total purchase price of the cargo electric bicycle and any qualifying equipment minus $200 or $1,700 for cargo electric bicycles. - Qualifying retailer must register with the Department of Environmental Quality and verify the eligibility of the qualifying individual. - Department of Environmental Quality shall reimburse a qualifying retailer that provides a rebate to a qualifying individual no later than 30 days after the rebate is provided. - Rebate recipient must provide demographic information and maintain ownership of the electric assisted bicycle or electric cargo bicycle for at least one year after receiving the rebate. - In addition to and not in lieu of any other appropriation, there is appropriated to the Department of Environmental Quality, for the biennium beginning July 1, 2023, out of the General Fund, the amount of $6,000,000, which may be expended for carrying out the provisions of section 1 of this 2023 Act.