Last Updated October 7, 2023
Ittre, Belgium
Electric Bike Rebate and Tax Credit

Rebate Summary
The Municipal Council offers a subsidy for the purchase of an electrically assisted bike or an adaptable kit. The municipal regulation relating to the grant for the purchase of an electric bike or adaptable kit and an application form can be found by clicking the links provided.
Rebate Amount
Other electric bike rebates and tax credits avaiable in Belgium
There are multiple bike grants available. The first grant mentioned is a bike rental grant of 5 euros for people spending at least 40 euros on bike rentals at PRO VELO between August 1stand December 31st, 2020. The second grant mentioned is for purchasing a new bike and is applicable to adults domiciled in the entity who have obtained the Soft and Active Mobility Grant and targets the 65+ and daily users. There are two types of grants under this category: a complementary grant to the Provincial grant, available for purchases made between January 1stand December 31st2020, and a complementary grant to the Regional grant, available for purchases made between July 1st, 2020, and December 31st, 2022. Total budget available for the grants is 10,000 euros, and there are 100 first requests in 2021.
The Municipality of Uccle offers a subsidy of €250 in the form of gift vouchers at shops or culture vouchers for the purchase of an electric-assisted bike, electric adaptation kit for a bike, electric cargo bike or cargo bike. This grant is part of the objectives of the regional Good Move Mobility Plan, which aims to quadruple the use of bicycles by 2030. The grant can be applied for by submitting a necessary file to the mobility department.
The municipality of Mont-Saint-Guibert provides a subsidy that encourages active travel and cycling among its citizens. The subsidy amounts to 20% of the purchase price, up to €200, for a new or refurbished electrically assisted bicycle or a new electric adaptation kit for bicycles. The applicant must be a resident domiciled in the municipality, and there is one subsidy per person or two per household at most during the legislature 2019-2024. Additionally, the applicant needs to provide the original invoice in their name and ID card, and the application form may be obtained by downloading it from the website or through the local population service.
Residents of Wanze can apply for a communal grant to purchase an electrically-assisted bicycle or adaptable kit. The grant is part of the municipality's commitment to combat greenhouse gas emissions and promote soft modes of transport. The amount of the grant depends on the income category of the applicant. To apply, residents can use the e-gov platform or submit a grant application form along with required documents. All-terrain bicycles or sports use cannot claim the grant.
The City of Marche-en-Famenne offers a subsidy for the purchase of electric assist bicycles for residents of the municipality. The grant corresponds to 30% of the invoice amount with a ceiling calculated based on gross taxable income. The power of the motor must be less than or equal to 250 watts, and the assistance must stop automatically when the speed exceeds 25 km/h. The grant will be awarded for any purchase made since January 1, 2020, on completing a form in the electronic portal or making an appointment with the Mobility service.
The City of Mons offers a grant for the purchase of a bike, electric assist or electric adaptation kit for bikes, cargo bike, electric scooter, or gyroroue. The grant given will be equal to 20% of the purchase price and will be capped at €400 for a cargo bike, €200 for an electric assisted bike, electric adaptation kit for bikes or folding bike, and €100 for a regular bike, electric scooter, or gyroroue. Additionally, a grant of €20 will also be given for the purchase of a lock. Interested parties can visit the website of the City of Mons to apply or contact the Mobility Service.
Residents of the town of OLLN, Belgium can receive a prime for purchasing a new bike, including electric assistance and adaptable kits, as well as cargo, family, and folding bikes. Those who spend at least 40 euros on bike rental at PRO VELO are eligible for a 5 Talents rebate. The budget for this initiative is 10,000 euros and there are 100 first applications in 2021. Adults must be domiciled in the town and obtain the soft and active mobility prime from the Province of Brabant Wallon, which targets those ages 65+ and daily users (home-work). There is also a complementary prime available for those who received the provincial or regional prime, with a procedure in place and forms that need to be filled out along with a copy of the prime award and household composition not more than 3 months old. The municipal administration of OLLN has provided further details on their website.
The website offers a bike bonus for renting or purchasing a bike in the municipality. For rentals dated between August 1 and December 31, 2020, people spending a minimum of €40 on bike rental at PRO VELO can receive a bonus of 5 Talents. For the purchase of a new bike (conventional, electric assistance, adaptable kit, cargo or family, foldable), adult residents of the municipality who have obtained the soft and active mobility bonus from the Province of Walloon Brabant can receive a bonus. The bonus applies to purchases made between January 1 and December 31, 2020, and within 5 months following the granting of the provincial bonus decision. Adult residents of the municipality who have obtained the bonus for the purchase of a bike from the Walloon Region can also receive this bonus. The purchases should be made between July 1, 2020, and December 31, 2022, and within 2 months following the granting of the regional bonus decision. However, interested parties must fill in the appropriate form and submit it along with the invoice, a copy of the provincial or regional bonus decision, and a household composition.
Residents of a municipality are entitled to a grant for the purchase of a new adult-sized bicycle which can be electric, traditional, cargo, folding, with 2 or 3 wheels, or even for an adaptation kit. The grant is 20% of the purchase price with a maximum of €100, and each household can benefit from two grants every 4 years. The application form and supporting documents are to be submitted to the communal administration. Additionally, the Walloon Region offers a grant for the purchase of a bicycle or an adaptable electric kit, the amount of which is up to a maximum of 20% of the purchase price (up to €400). A grant is available only for a single bicycle and can only be offered until the budget provided by the Walloon Region has been exhausted.
The Municipality of Villers-la-Ville offers a purchase incentive for electric bikes that can reach a value of €100, subject to certain conditions mentioned on the website. Additionally, in collaboration with the Walloon Region, the buyer could obtain €300 in subsidies. For the year 2021, 42 applications were submitted to the Accounting Service of the Municipal Administration, totaling €4,179.90.
Residents of Seraing, Belgium, can receive a grant for the purchase of a new electric-assisted bicycle or adaptation kit. The grant amounts to 20% of the invoices, with a maximum of 100 euros for an electric-assisted bicycle and a maximum of 40 euros for an adaptation kit, subject to budget credits available from the city. Recipients must agree not to sell the equipment for a period of four years and to use it primarily for daily commutes. Interested parties must comply with the specified rules and fill out a form available on the city's website.
The municipality of Ellezelles provides subsidies up to €130 for the purchase of a new electric assist bicycle to promote soft modes of transportation and cycling among citizens. The subsidy is granted to any person registered in the population, foreigners or waiting on registers of the municipality of Ellezelles for at least 4 months before the date of purchase. Requests for subsidy must be submitted to the municipal administration of Ellezelles, and payments will be made after examination of the request file by the College of Mayor and Aldermen.
The municipality of Fernelmont provides a grant for the purchase of a new electrically assisted bicycle or an adaptable kit. The grant is equal to 10% of the invoice amount with a ceiling of 125 Euros per electric bicycle or kit purchased by any person. To benefit from the grant, the applicant must submit a request to the Commune on the appropriate form, including a copy of the original invoice. The grant application must be made within six months of the date of invoicing.
The Commune of Ganshoren offers a financial incentive for the purchase of a new electric-assisted bicycle or cargo bike. The incentive is 15% of the purchase price, up to a maximum of €150 for electric-assisted bicycles and €300 for cargo bikes. The incentive is available to individuals who are residents of the Commune of Ganshoren and who are over 18 years old, with a maximum of two incentives per household within a three-year period. The incentive is also available to employees of the Commune of Ganshoren, the CPAS, and certain other organizations. Applicants must submit a completed application form, a copy of the purchase invoice, and a commitment to not receive more than two incentives within three years. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The incentive program is subject to budget availability, and if demand exceeds available funds, applications will be processed in the order they are received. The incentive program went into effect on the fifth day after its publication by posting.
A grant of up to 30% of the purchase price, with a minimum of €100 and maximum of €300 for the purchase of bike, and minimum of €75 to a maximum of €250 is given for an adaptation kit. The applicant must be domiciled within the municipal territory, not have received such a grant within the last three years, and complete the grant application form within six months of the invoicing date. The amount of the grant awarded depends on the income level of the applicant. The grant aims to encourage residents to use the bicycle as a means of transportation.
The municipality of Héron offers a grant for the purchase of an electric-assisted bike or an adaptable kit in line with the Transversal Strategic Plan's goal to encourage citizens to bicycle, provide secure mobility, and reduce CO2 emissions. The amount of communal intervention depends on income, and the grant application must be submitted within six months of the invoice date. More information and application forms are available on the Municipal Administration - Mobility Service website, and further regulations on this communal grant can be found on the website.
The Municipality of Jurbise grants various grants to citizens in the field of green energy and safety. Classic and electric bicycles, for example, are eligible for a grant of 10% of the bicycle's purchase value with a maximum of €25 for a regular bicycle and 10% of the electric motor-assisted bicycle's purchase value with a maximum of €100. A grant of €250 is awarded to any citizen who installs thermal solar panels, photovoltaic solar panels, heat pumps, Canadian wells, wood and pellet central heating, or biomass boilers. A grant of €250 is awarded for the installation of alarm systems (private individuals only). The Jurbise Municipal Council has decided to grant a €50 grant for assistance in obtaining a Class B driving license through prior recourse to an accredited driving school for practical training.
The Municipal Council of La Hulpe granted subsidies to its citizens since 2014 for the purchase of electric bikes or electric adaptable kits to encourage soft mobility. However, these subsidies will not be continued in 2022, and the budget will be allocated to the shared bikes project, which will be launched in spring 2022.
The City of Mechelen has provided a subsidy for bakfiets-driving entrepreneurs in the past four years, totaling over €100,000 to encourage sustainable mobility. However, there is no subsidy regulation announced for the coming years yet.
The Engis Municipal Administration grants a bike bonus for the purchase of a new bike, electric-assisted bike, electric bike conversion kit, cargo bike or electric-assisted cargo bike. The bonus ranges from 10-30% with a maximum of €250, depending on the household's reference income. To benefit from the bonus, the requester must submit a request to the municipality, including a filled request form, a copy of the requester's identity card, and household composition. The equipment must be new, and the request must be submitted within six months from the invoice date.
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