Nantes Métropole, France
Electric Bike Rebate and Tax Credit

Rebate Summary
Residents of the 24 municipalities of Nantes Métropole can benefit from a subsidy for the purchase of cargo or family bikes until February 28, 2023. This subsidy amounts to 25% of the cost (including taxes) of the bike, up to a maximum of €300 per vehicle and per person. The beneficiary must not sell the bike before 3 years and the subsidy will be paid out to the beneficiary's account provided that the purchase invoice of the bike and the RIB are in his name. The subsidy can only be paid once per beneficiary, for the purchase of a single cargo or family bike. The beneficiary can also qualify under certain conditions for the French government's electric assist bike bonus of up to €200. The supported bicycles are cargo bikes with or without an electric assist and family bikes, longtrail, and carrier bikes that are not for professional use. A request can be submitted by providing the completed form (downloadable or to be collected on site), a copy of the purchasing invoice, and proof of residence.